From feeling devastated by my divorce, exhausted by the burden of responsibilities & loss of motivation in my work to
√ A complete inner harmony, being happy with who I am, on good terms with my ex-husband
√ Started dating & finally feel confident.
√ Connected with my soul purpose and what my next steps are.
√ Awakened my creativity & joy – I’ve got new hobbies
√ Awakened my intuition and learnt how to use it to make the right decision for me
√ Now I stay true to my core values and can be firmer in my decisions. I will speak up, even if my voice is the only one in the crowd.
√ Using my voice to speak up for the employees in my company resulted in fair bonuses being mantained for the employees.
Partner in a Leading
International Law
Firm, Chambers
Ranked in Her Area
of Practice
From total lack of motivation to express myself to the world, no clients and no sales of my paintings & cancer diagnosis to
√ I fell in love with my energy for the first time in my life
√ I recognised myself and my own art globally, a new direction in creativity with dolls, 3D sculptures & pottery emerged.
√ I have gained confidence and the desire to exhibit my art publicly.
√ I was invited to and participated in 4 exhibitions that have impacted over 7,000 people with 4 more exhibitions to come.
√ I have made sales of my paintings & got my healing clients
√ genetic analysis confirmation that there were no cancer mutations and no risk to future generations
Natalya Rosenbaum
Artist Healer
From feeling stuck to move from a successful corporate career as an auditor to starting my wellbeing business to
√ I got the techniques to support me on my new path.
√ I developed the courage to tell my story and be authentic on social media, my blog, or my newsletter.
My business grew organically, I’ve got more soul clients and 3X the engagement.
√ I brought that authenticity into my work. I now have many more clients in the niche that I want to specialise in, my favourite clients.
√ People who resonated with me started coming in. I didn’t need to advertise my work.
√ Our work has also contributed to my own well-being – more open, and more energetic.
Dilyara Mavlanova
Mindfulness Teacher & Wellbeing Entrepreneur
A Miracle happened: the pain in my knee is gone
I’m walking many km a day, and I ditched the painkillers. I feel equal support on both feet. I feel light, confident and ready to move forward in life.
Elena Yurchenko
CFO & Entrepreneur
My thyroid has healed: the nodule has shrunk and is no longer a threat!
I have had problems with my thyroid gland for years and no matter what I did, nothing changed. Much to the doctor’s surprise, the situation with my thyroid has improved: the nodule has shrunk and is officially no longer a threat.
I came to tranquillity and stopped pushing myself and living like a hamster in a wheel. More feminine, wiser energies have emerged.
Now I understand that I can do anything. My wings are no longer clipped. I managed to move to a big city where I got great opportunities in my activities and development. I have created a harmonious relationship. My life has improved and I have entered a completely different quality! My finances are also improving.
Irina Todorova
Sales Specialist and Theta Healer
We have been blessed to welcome a healthy baby into our lives.
I had a history of miscarriages and no matter what we tried, I couldn’t get pregnant. After working with Marina, I got pregnant and gave birth to a healthy baby. My confidence has grown. Now I have faith in myself, clarity about my path, and my soul’s purpose.
Irina Aliyev
Theta Healer, Astrologist
My lower leg pain is gone as well as worries about my business.
I was finding the energies very dense, worried about business and had a pain in my lower leg exclusively when walking. So I have gifted myself with a Skype session with Marina. In less than an hour we identified blocks around my self-worth, my beliefs about work and the cause of the pain in my legs. Some beliefs were really hidden under layers of fear and egocentric attitudes. I now feel refreshed, aligned and the pain in my lower leg is gone.
The eczema I had for years is gone!
I was able to heal some emotional pain from my past, which apparently was the cause of the eczema I had for a long time. As a result, I was able to come off the antibiotics. Marina is a very intuitive and gifted practitioner.
From multiple complications in my pregnancy to a healthy, full-term birth and a healthy baby…
Doctors were confident that my baby would be born prematurely. Also, he had the umbilical cord wrapped around his neck twice.
We worked on healing my childhood traumas, such as the responsibility of taking care of children. Also, we worked on the baby through his higher self and helped him learn important lessons without going through harsh experiences. As a result, one umbilical cord entanglement disentangled during the sessions and another during the birth, as we “negotiated” with the baby’s soul in an easy and safe way.
The baby was born on time, full term, happy and healthy. In fact, he felt so good in the womb that he didn’t even want to leave it. We did a healing for me during the labour to release tension and fears, and the child was born.
Maria Soloveva
I moved from being doomed to take pills for the rest of my life, hormonal issues and pain to perfect health, being able to express my truth and starting my own soul-aligned business…
Thank you for your support, it was really life-changing.
My main issue was health. I received a diagnosis of PCOS, which is hormonal misbalance, with no periods. Doctors told me to take pills and I decided to investigate and go holistic path. Also, I had difficulties in communicating with others. I couldn’t express myself, my needs. I had lots of anxiety and control issues.
I love that you combine so many methods, including medical intuition and that you can channel and see things that I can’t see! Everything you see coincides with reality. Wow!
As part of the healing process, I had to learn how to trust myself more and the universe. It was rather challenging because I had to control all my life. Also, I started to practise setting healthy boundaries and expressing myself and my needs. With time it becomes easier and easier. I had to let go of some people that were toxic to me. I got acquainted with new people who nourish and support me.
Now I have more joy and inspiration in my life.
I started my project, my business. I became confident and more aware of the patterns I used to have earlier.
I improved my communication with my partner, my parents and the whole world.
It led me to start my business to help other women with their health as a female health coach.
My nervous & hormonal systems and emotions got balanced and it affected my health positively. Now I have a regular period, clear skin, a better mood, and more energy. The PCOS diagnosis was officially cancelled by doctors, my hormones are in balance.
The feeling that my power is inside of me and the world is helping me and all I have to do is use my power.
Julia Korchagina
Female health coach
Aerial artist and herbalist
I was held in such tenderness and strength…
I attended Elizabeth’s workshop on grief and anger and was held in such tenderness and strength that it allowed for these emotions to express themselves in a safe and nurturing space.
Pilates instructor and storyteller
Elizabeth a gifted facilitator.
Elizabeth creates a warm personable invitation online that makes me feel like I’m sitting with her in a circle in person every time. It’s just her style. She makes me feel included, heard and seen. Such a gifted facilitator.
co-founder of Forever Young Forest organisation
I felt more equipped to embrace my journey after loss, more connected to our son and so much more
After the loss of our son, who died the day after being born prematurely, I truly struggled to grasp the idea of being able to heal in any way from the trauma we had experienced and the impact it had on our whole world, especially as I held so much guilt in not carrying our son to full term.
Meeting Elizabeth and receiving her understanding, compassion and guidance gave me so much more than the hope I was originally seeking.
I had hoped I could find a way to be able to express how devastating the loss of our baby was, in a safe space. Expressing my emotions was definitely a step in the right direction but through Elizabeth, I learnt how to express, lean in more, release and understand my grief. I found that through the techniques, guidance and carefully put together retreats offered, I was in fact able to honour my grief, serving purpose to me feeling more equipped to embrace my journey after loss. I left feeling more connected to our son, feeling more connected with myself as a mother, and without a doubt feeling more connected to nature and the world around us.
Selina J. Smith
Energy Healer and Coach
Depression and toxicity gone! I feel incredible!
After months of depression, lack of energy and anxiety, I came out of depression, feeling so much higher. Now I have the energy to run on a treadmill. And manifested the house I wanted. I feel like so much toxicity is out. Gone. Finito. I feel again like I belong. I feel already so much less caring about what other people think and just doing what I want.
We removed the feeling of pressure in every direction. The healing was just incredible, wow! This is the first major healing I’ve received in a while.
I’m always so impressed with the energies you see and can pick up, I’m just very grateful to have you in my life!
Filipe Viale
I found peace after the loss of my son.
Marina helped me to find peace after the tragic loss of my son. I had lived with deep sadness and a heavy heart for nearly 5 years and felt like I didn’t want to get out of my bed in the morning. Marina helped me to feel positive about life again. Now when I visualise my son, it makes me smile. Also, I was able to resolve the issues I had with my family. Thank you.