
My Best-Selling book Ignite Possibilities

This book is an anthology uniting go-getters from around the world who have created incredible opportunities for themselves and others…sometimes out of seemingly impossible situations.

EUR 21

Therapeutic Essential Oil For The Heart Chakra

Chakra Drops №4 work with the heart chakra “unfreezing” and balancing your feelings and emotions. Drops allow you to increase emotional maturity and emotional perceptiveness about the world around you, other people and vibrations.

EUR 50

Therapeutic Essential Oil For The Sacral Chakra

Chakra Drops №2 work on the sacral chakra, helping to balance the energies of pleasure and sexu-ality. Help unveil your true sexuality and sensuality, creative potential…

EUR 50

Therapeutic Elixir For Your Inner Child "Tom Soyer"

At the beginning of our life, we all represent the Initial Child, holistic at all levels, the one we were created to be; these are our innate abilities, mind, talents, creativity, and character.

EUR 60