“We” or “Us” shall mean Marina Sigalova www.marinasigalova.com
“You” shall mean the person named on the signature page below
“the Parties” shall mean Us and You together
By clicking “I Agree”, emailing your statement of agreement, entering your credit card information, signing the terms and conditions or otherwise enrolling, electronically, verbally, or otherwise, on the course, You are entering into a legally binding agreement with Us (“the Agreement”) according to the following Terms and Conditions: (“Terms”)
1. Outline of agreement
1.1 Upon execution of these Terms, electronically, verbally, written or otherwise We agree to render services to You relating to education, course, seminar, or therapeutic coaching (the “Program”). These Terms shall also be binding in respect of any further goods/services supplied by Us to You. The Program is in the nature of coaching and education. The scope of services rendered by Us pursuant to these Terms shall be limited to those set out and provided for on our website as part of the Program. We reserve the right to substitute services equal to or comparable to the Program if the need arises.
2. Payment
2.1 In exchange for this service, you agree to pay the price stated at the time of booking.
2.2 Upon signing this agreement, you agree to pay the amount stated.
2.3 You agree to pay Us according to the payment schedule set out on our website, or via email, or agreed payment schedule and the payment plan selected by you (the “Fee”) or otherwise agreed between the Parties. A 5% (five percent) late payment fee shall be payable on all and any sums that are not paid by You to Us by the date they are due.
2.4 You hereby authorise Us to take payment direct from your credit or debit card(s) in accordance with the Agreement from time to time to pay any sums (including interest) that are due to Us at any time which have not been paid by the due date. You shall not make any deductions from the sums owed to Us and You agree not to cancel the credit card that You have provided as means of payment without providing us with prior notice and details of a replacement card as means of payment. You are responsible for any fees associated with recouping payment on deductions and any collection fees associated therewith on a full indemnity basis. .
3. Cancellation
3.1 In case of both online and in-person events and programs you are permitted to cancel your place on the course/event by way of written notice to info@marinasigalova.com within 14 days of purchase
3.2 If the cancellation is made after 14 days of booking the entire amount is non-refundable.
Courses and programs are not transferrable to another date.
4. Results and guarantees
4.1 Marina Sigalova does not guarantee any results or make any health claims.
4.2 Although ThetaHealing® has great benefits, results are dependent on a number of factors including, but not limited to your commitment to the Program, participation, and existing health conditions.
4.3 Any testimonials and examples are not intended to represent or guarantee that you will achieve the same or similar results.
4.4 Marina Sigalova does not provide medical, legal, investment or business advice. All opinions are provided for your consideration and should not be solely relied upon. It is your responsibility to obtain professional advice.
4.5 Marina Sigalova does not claim to diagnose, heal, treat or cure any health conditions and you must continue to take any prescribed medication throughout the entire duration of the Program.
4.5 You accept and agree that You are entirely and exclusively responsible for your progress and the results from the Program.
4.6 We and our affiliates disclaim any implied warranties of title, merchantability, and fitness for any particular purpose. We make no guarantee or warranty that the Program will meet your requirements or that all clients will achieve the same results.
5. Health
5.1 In order to experience the full benefits of ThetaHealing®, please refrain from drinking alcohol or consuming any illegal drugs for at least 48 hours prior to the start of the course/event as this may affect your ability to participate. If this rule is violated you will be asked to leave without a refund.
5.2 Marina Sigalova does not claim to heal, treat or cure any health conditions. You must continue to take any prescribed medication throughout the entire duration of the course. Please speak with your doctor about reducing or eliminating meditation if appropriate.
5.3 It is your responsibility to inform Marina Sigalova of any health conditions you have which may impact your ability to participate in the Program.
5.4 In order to gain full value from the Program, you must be fit and healthy. If you have a health condition that will impact your ability to participate in the Program, Marina Sigalova may suggest an alternative method of contact or decline participation for your safety.
5.5 Your mental state may be affected by the consumption of alcohol or illegal drugs and it is not permitted at any time whilst you are on the course. Marina Sigalova reserves the right to cancel your place on the course or program in accordance with clause 9 of this agreement if you breach this requirement. If they violate this rule, they will be asked to leave without a refund.
6. Business and Self Promotion
6.1 Self-promotion is not permitted on any platform hosted by Marina Sigalova unless permission is obtained directly from us.
6.2 A platform hosted by Marina Sigalova includes, but is not limited to, courses, events, practice groups, whatsApp groups, telegram groups and facebook groups.
6.3 Self-promotional material is not permitted on any platform hosted by Marina Sigalova and you must not solicit clients on any platform hosted by Marina Sigalova.
6.4 Should you wish to privately offer sessions to clients, this will be your sole responsibility and your business will be separate from Marina Sigalova.
6.6 Participation in the Program is not intended to, or shall not be deemed to establish any partnership or joint venture between you and Marina Sigalova.
6.7 Marina Sigalova is not responsible for providing you with clients.
6.8 Any self-promotion will result in the termination of this agreement in accordance with clause 11 of this agreement.
7. Resale of Services
7.1 You agree not to reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, trade, resell or exploit for any commercial purposes, any portion of the Program (including course materials), any use of the Program, or access to the Program. Your agreement with Us is not transferrable or assignable without our prior written consent.
8. Transfer Of Intellectual Property
8.1 Our copyrighted and original materials shall be provided to You for your personal use only. You shall not use any of our intellectual property for your own business purposes. You shall not be authorised to share, copy, distribute, or otherwise disseminate any material received from Us electronically or otherwise without our prior written consent. All intellectual property, including our copyrighted course materials, shall remain our sole property. No licence or permission for You to sell or distribute our materials is granted or implied.
9. In-person programs and activities
9.1 You will be responsible for all accommodation, travel and subsistence costs as these are not included in the course or program fee.
9.3 You must take reasonable care to ensure your safety and security for the entire duration of the offsite activity.
10. Force Majeure
10.1 If, as a result of an act of God, force majeure, public emergency, restriction imposed by law or for any other cause beyond Marina Sigalova’s reasonable control, we are unable to provide services to you, Marina Sigalova shall not be in breach of this agreement but shall be authorised to substitute a reasonably satisfactory date and time to provide services.
10.2 If no such time is available, the remainder of the fees due for any service(s) that have not yet been provided will be waived.
10.3 Marina Sigalova shall not be liable for inability to provide services or fulfil the agreement in those circumstances.
11. Termination
11.1 Marina Sigalova reserves the right to terminate this agreement at any point if we feel that you are being disruptive, are acting in breach of the law, or are in violation of this agreement.
11.2 To the extent that You interact with our staff and/or our other clients, You agree to behave professionally, courteously, and respectfully towards them at all times. You agree to abide by any course rules or regulations presented by Us. If You fail to abide by any course rules at any time we shall be entitled to terminate the Agreement with immediate effect. In the event of such termination, you shall not be entitled to recoup any sums paid to Us at that time and shall remain liable to pay in full all outstanding sums then remaining due to Us under the Program or otherwise.
12. Confidentiality
12.1 Confidential information refers to any data or information relating to you, whether business or personal:
– which would reasonably be considered to be private or proprietary to you;
– that is not generally known, and;
– where the release of that confidential information could reasonably be expected to cause harm to you.
12.2 Marina Sigalova agrees that we will not disclose, divulge, reveal, report or use, for any purpose, any confidential information which we have obtained, except as authorised by you or as required by law. The obligations of confidentiality will apply for the duration of the course/event/program and will survive indefinitely upon termination of this agreement.
12.3 All written and oral information and material disclosed or provided by you to Marina Sigalova under this agreement is confidential information regardless of whether it was provided before or after the date of this agreement or how it was provided to Marina Sigalova.
12.4 Any information disclosed to you by other participants as part of the course must also remain confidential.
13. Photography and Filming
13.1 You consent to Marina Sigalova using photographs and/or video recordings including images of you, both internally and externally to promote our services.
13.2 You understand that these images may be used in print and digital media formats, including print publications, website, e-marketing, posters, banners, advertising, film, social media, and teaching purposes.
13.3 You have the right to request to see a copy of the information we hold about you and to request corrections or deletions of the information that is no longer required.
13.4 You can ask Marina Sigalova to stop using your images at any time, in which case it will not be used in future publications, but may continue to appear in publications already in circulation.
14 Non-Disparagement
14.1 In the event that a dispute arises or You raise a grievance, the dispute shall be in the venue set out below (see Choice of Law/Venue). Neither you nor We shall at any time engage in any conduct or communications, public or private, designed or reasonably likely to disparage the other.
15. Governing Law
15.1 This Agreement shall be interpreted, construed and enforced in accordance with Portuguese law and shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Portuguese Courts.
16. Order of Precedence
16.1 In the event of any conflict between the provisions contained in these Terms and any marketing materials used by Us, our representatives, officers, or employees, the contents of these Terms shall take precedence.
17 Amendment
17.1 These Terms may be modified only by an agreement in writing duly executed by the Parties.
18 Severability
18.1 If any of the provisions contained in these Terms is construed at any time to be invalid or unenforceable, this shall not affect the remainder of the Terms which shall be given full effect regardless of the invalidity of part thereof.
19 Others
19.1 A 24 hours’ notice excluding weekends is required if you wish to rearrange a session. Full session charge is applied for all sessions cancelled within 24 hours of the appointment time.
19.2 If you should phone late or arrive late, the time may be deducted from your appointment as there are other appointments followed and refunds cannot be made.
19.3 Session packages are non-refundable, and can not be transferred to a family member or friend.
19.4 Marina Sigalova is unable to answer questions that relate to your life outside of the Program. This does not include general business queries.
19.5 All original content on this website including but not limited to text, design, code, images, photographs and videos is considered to be the Intellectual Property of Marina Sigalova. Reproducing, copying or using the materials in any way is prohibited without the written consent of the website owner.
19.6 If for any reason you are not totally satisfied with our service, please e-mail info@ marinasigalova.com describing what the problem is. We will reply to your e-mail within 7 days (Monday to Friday, excepting public holidays) with the best possible solution.
Marina Sigalova
Email: info@marinasigalova.com