Marina Sigalova



You have your dreams. But is something standing in the way 
 of allowing them to come true?

The Reasons Might Be…

Whether you’re all too often criticizing yourself, facing stress and anxiety, and feeling you’re not good enough inside. If you sometimes feel powerless, confused, or stuck with a lack of sustained motivation — unsure how to move forward in life.
Whether you are going through health challenges and you have tried everything that exists on a traditional market with no results and you are looking for a holistic approach to reclaim your birthright of having unconditional health

Here Is What I Know:


You are here to live your life to your complete potential, which is extraordinary.


In order to achieve extraordinary outcomes, you need to pass beyond your thought and behaviour patterns that keep you stuck in the same old situations, arguments, results, poor health and life-limiting beliefs you’ve held almost forever.


When you align with your highest version of yourself and put your full essence behind the vision, strategy, and actions, everything is possible.

Just imagine how incredible it feels to wake up every morning 
 at peace knowing that you are absolutely in the right place. 
 To confidently go into your day with a clear vision, vibrant health and high energy while enjoying it to the fullest.

It feels warm, light and free. It’s your birthright!

Are You Ready to Tap

 Into Your Highest Potential?

The Introduction to my Work:

Radiant Reset
2 Sessions Experience

75 Min Each, Available Once

2 sessions of an advanced form of hypnotherapy combined with cutting-edge energy techniques to help you step into your power and create immediate changes in your life. This experience brings a deep and lasting transformation, with the most satisfying reprogramming that thoroughly addresses all aspects of your subconscious and energy.

The Investment: €444


Theta Healing®

75 Min

Subconscious Reprogramming & Alignment session to rewire your brain for success, love and health and eliminate the root cause and hidden resistance that's been slowing you down. We transform blocks, trauma, and negative beliefs into empowering ones through a meditative technique. Learn More

The Investment: €250


Medical Intuitive Energy Healing

75 Min

This session combines hypnosis-based techniques & metaphysical healing to address deep-rooted emotional and physical imbalances, promoting lasting transformation. Includes a Personalised Hypnotic Recording to reinforce positive changes & support ongoing healing. Learn More

The Investment: €333


Sound Healing

75 Min

Sound and vibrational healing combined with intuitive energy healing to recharge and harmonise your energy, balance all your body systems and organs on a cellular level, and create homeostasis.

The Investment: €150


My 4-month 1:1

Sacred Success or Authentic Health, Programmes 
with my highest level of support. 

Sacred Succes

Designed to help entrepreneurs and corporate executives build their business from soul & flow using my sacred success strategies.

Learn More

Authentic Health

Designed to help you reclaim your vibrant well-being for mind, body & soul. My work and experience vary from completely healing depression, anxiety, addictions, and fertility issues to healing conditions can potentially be fatal using my sacred health strategies.

Learn More

What We Can Work On:

My Clients Have Healed and
Transformed Many Areas of Their Lives,

The release of emotional difficulties, grief, stresses, and anxiety.

Clearing fears and phobias.

Clearing challenges in life.

Healing trauma and abuse.

Stepping into your life purpose.

Resolving relationship issues.

Manifesting desired relationships both 
 personal and professional.

Growing spiritually and developing intuition.
Improving physical health.

With my Experience and

Expertise, You Will be Guided to Come
to a Place of:

Peace and harmony with yourself.

True and authentic joy to feel genuinely 
 happy and fulfilled deep within.

A clear vision for your future.

Understanding and appreciation of just how beautiful it is to wake up every morning knowing where you are going and with whom.

Absolute confidence in yourself and in your success and knowing that you are worthy and deserve to have all dreams and aspirations come true.

Ultimately, I Am Here to Help You to Know That This Life is Yours, and Together We Can Manifest All That You Wish to Experience in it.

What Can You Expect in a Session?

A typical session will include: Energetic Scanning, Discovering to the Root Cause of an Issue, Releasing old Stuck Emotions and Feelings, Changing Limiting Beliefs and Feelings to Empowering ones, Healing, Channeled Strategies and Actioned Steps.

At the first consultation, we’ll discuss your questions and goals I’ll teach you a muscle test and we’ll use it throughout the session.

It’ll enable us to see what beliefs are causing issues and blockages in your life. It’s essential that to ensure that you drink plenty of water prior to the session in order for this muscle test to be effective.

During the session itself, you will be sitting in a relaxed position with your eyes closed. This will assist you in reaching the theta brainwave state of deep relaxation and meditation. Here you will be able to access and work with the subconscious mind where our beliefs and feelings are held.

For every belief change and for any healing that is done I ask your verbal permission first. Nothing can happen without your consent.

The healing tools I use work effectively both in-person, as well as over the phone or Skype – as the distance is not a factor.



“My business grew organically, I’ve got more soul clients and 3X engagement as I stepped into showing up courageously and authentically...”

I wanted to move from a successful corporate career to my well-being business. But I didn’t have the courage to tell my story or be authentic. I was hiding behind the concepts of mindfulness and coaching.

I was able to step into this courageous journey of sharing my path. I opened up a lot on Instagram through my posts and I got so much feedback - 3 times more likes. I received messages from people thanking me for sharing my story and referring me to people who would benefit from my services. I brought that authenticity into my work. I now have many more clients in the niche that I want to specialise in, my favourite clients. When I opened up, the people who resonated with me started coming in. I didn’t need to advertise my work. It's just that by opening up I attracted my tribe. Also, by knowing myself better, I can better support my clients and pass on the healing.

Our work has also contributed to my own well-being - more open, and more energetic.

What Marina does is very unique and I think people would not be able to do it with any other holistic therapist. Apart from the tools she uses, it’s her own energy and her presence that makes such a difference! Being held during the process and in between the sessions really helped me a lot. 123

Dilyara Mavlanova
Mindfulness Teacher and Wellbeing Entrepreneur

“I overcame cancer, and recognised my art and healing gifts. It’s a completely new life now - exhibitions, clients, sales of my paintings…”

Marina helped me incredibly during my cancer journey, disbelief in myself, lack of energy and apathy.

As a result of working together, a 3-month genetic analysis confirmed that there were no cancer mutations and no risk to future generations. I felt my energy for the first time, I fell in love with my energy! This was a turning point in my life. I realised the healing power of my work.

I recognised myself and my own art globally, deepening and expanding my creativity - a new direction in creativity with dolls and 3D sculptures emerged. I'm bursting with new ideas.

I have gained confidence and the desire to exhibit my art publicly. I have received private clients for the therapy and was invited to and participated in 4 exhibitions that have impacted over 7,000 people with 4 more exhibitions to come.

I have made sales of my paintings.

Natalya Rosenbaum
artist and healer

Marina was the key to resolving my challenges and ultimately my transformation. Working with her reignited my passion for life! New hobby and new soul-aligned business.

I awakened my creativity and that gives me so much joy. I awakened my intuition and learnt how to use it to make the right decision for me.

When we started working together, we discovered my limiting beliefs about my boundaries, needing to be compliant and pile all of the responsibility on myself stemming from childhood trauma and worked on changing my perspective to then transform the belief.

Now I stay true to my core values and can be firmer in my decisions. I will speak up, even if my voice is the only one in the crowd. This has already yielded benefits in my personal and business life.

Using my voice to speak up on behalf of the employees in my company resulted in keeping fair remuneration for the employees.

I used to care about the opinions of others but now I’m more interested in my own self-image and if I’m happy with who I am. I care about whether I’m comfortable with what I’m doing, and the rest of the world doesn’t matter. Being able to master this was amazing.

a partner in a leading international UK-based law firm, Chambers ranked in her area of practice

“Marina was the key to resolving my challenges and ultimately my transformation. Working with her reignited my passion for life! New hobby and new soul-aligned business…”

I was facing numerous problems: my exhausting job, my toxic long-lasting relationships, my parents' lack of understanding, the constant fatigue, etc. I felt like an abandoned child. Marina gave me the key and the direction where I should move.

I was able to make decisions and see new perspectives.

It did not happen overnight, but I was able to let go of toxic people in my life and take charge of my emotions.

I became passionate about life and my creativity is blossoming. Working with Marina was like talking with an old friend who knows the answers to all my questions.

Evgeniya K.
Banking IT Consultant and Data Analyst & entrepreneur

“It was one of the best things I have done for myself…”

All the sessions I did with Marina have been a BLESSING!

I’m feeling like I’ve never really felt before in my life. I feel a lot more confident, there is a lot more energy. I reflect on the fact that, the way we met and what you’ve been able to help me achieve it means a lot to me.

I am definitely less anxious at work and privately, and my stress levels have diminished significantly. I’m noticing as I face situations I'm no longer heated like I was before, it is what it is. I am so much more in the moment. I became more tolerant of people and myself. I no longer have the desire to please people. I’m being more and more true to myself. I keep the benefits of saying what I think, and how I feel and if the right person wants to understand it, it's good, and if they do not then it's ok too.

It was one of the best things I have done for myself!

As open as I am, I don’t think I was expecting to see what I saw in working with you.

On a scale of 1-10, where 10 is the maximum

Self-doubt & body shaming fell from 10 to 2.

Fear of not having relationships fell from 10 to 3

Self-worth increased from 3 to 10

"I can have what I truly want" feeling increased from 1 to 10!"

Bank Risk Manager

“I moved from being doomed to take pills for the rest of my life, hormonal issues and pain to perfect health, being able to express my truth and starting my own soul-aligned business…”

Thank you for your support, it was really life-changing.

My main issue was health. I received a diagnosis of PCOS, which is hormonal misbalance, with no periods. Doctors told me to take pills and I decided to investigate and go holistic path. Also, I had difficulties in communicating with others. I couldn’t express myself, my needs. I had lots of anxiety and control issues.

I love that you combine so many methods, including medical intuition and that you can channel and see things that I can’t see! Everything you see coincides with reality. Wow!

As part of the healing process, I had to learn how to trust myself more and the universe. It was rather challenging because I had to control all my life. Also, I started to practise setting healthy boundaries and expressing myself and my needs. With time it becomes easier and easier. I had to let go of some people that were toxic to me. I got acquainted with new people who nourish and support me.

Now I have more joy and inspiration in my life.

I started my project, my business. I became confident and more aware of the patterns I used to have earlier.

I improved my communication with my partner, my parents and the whole world.

It led me to start my business to help other women with their health as a female health coach.

My nervous & hormonal systems and emotions got balanced and it affected my health positively.

Now I have a regular period, clear skin, a better mood, and more energy. The PCOS diagnosis was officially cancelled by doctors, my hormones are in balance.

The feeling that my power is inside of me and the world is helping me and all I have to do is use my power.

Julia Korchagina
Female health coach

“Got off all the medications, anxiety, depression, IBS are gone! My business grew, I am full of energy and happy…”

Got off all the medications, anxiety, depression, IBS are gone! My business grew, I am full of energy and happy.

In the 3 months of working together, I healed IBS, anxiety, depression, panic attacks and got off all my anxiety and ADHD medication. Ilearnt how to thrive with ADHD. And now I’m over my phobias andcan now easily step out of my comfort zone, such as speakingonline. I’ve developed confidence, self-worth and the ability tostand up for myself. Everything has opened up for me. Recognisingmy value has allowed me to increase my prices by 25% and still getthe clients despite the high level of competition in the field. My relationship with my husband improved as she became less reactiveand more trusting. I have completely changed my lifestyle and diet. I’ve implemented new healthy patterns of eating.  I go to the gym and do yoga workouts. I feel more myself and have more energy like before.

I bought an online watercolour painting tutorial, so I'm happy to have found a new hobby. I have a lot of energy for my work and I am full of creative ideas. Our business is growing.

I'm back to my happy and super energetic self which makes my husband very happy also, so life is good. Thank you so much for everything you've done so far, I know I wouldn't be feeling this way if I hadn't gotten help from you!

Marica Micaleff

“From multiple complications in my pregnancy to a healthy, full-term birth and a healthy baby…”

Doctors were confident that my baby would be born prematurely. Also, he had the umbilical cord wrapped around his neck twice.

We worked on healing my childhood traumas, such as the responsibility of taking care of children. Also, we worked on the baby through his higher self and helped him learn important lessons without going through harsh experiences. As a result, one umbilical cord entanglement disentangled during the sessions and another during the birth, as we “negotiated” with the baby's soul in an easy and safe way.

The baby was born on time, full term, happy and healthy. In fact, he felt so good in the womb that he didn’t even want to leave it. We did a healing for me during the labour to release tension and fears, and the child was born.

Maria Soloveva

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